Seniors get their own playground

Yes, you’ve read that headline right: Seniors in London were given a special treat when the city opened the region’s first “senior playground” in Hyde Park last week. Six low-impact fitness machines were installed in the public park, all meant to give senior citizens a place all their own to get out and get fit.

Like Tai Chi (which we previously wrote about), any type of regular physical activity that seniors can engage in could help delay the symptoms of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. In addition, exercise also helps the body produce endorphins, which are our body’s natural pain and stress fighters.

The most important advantage the senior playground provides the elderly is a space where they can exercise without feeling intimidated. The hope is that the judgment-free environment will allow seniors to socialize with others while they’re getting healthy.

Senior playgrounds are already in existence throughout Europe. Here’s hoping that more programs like this get approval in more cities. Read the article here.

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