Easy steps to easing arthritis pain

Arthritis is a difficult and debilitating condition, and oftentimes medication is the easiest route towards relief. But with a little know-how, initiative, and elbow grease, finding relief could be as simple as getting up and getting moving.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what you need to get started:

  1. Talk to your doctor first – ALWAYS consult a trained physician before you start any new physical activity, especially if you’ve never been active before.
  2. Think big, start small – Exercise will help ease arthritis, but start with working activity into your daily routine.
  3. Join a group – Having people to work out with can definitely help motivate you to stick to a regular exercise regimen.
  4. Consider Yoga – Yoga focuses on stretching and flexibility, which are always good for arthritis.
  5. Take to the water – Doing your exercising in a pool eases the burden on your joints, helping you stay active longer and with less pain.
  6. Warm up–literally – Include a 20-minute joint warming routine (and post-workout cool down) with your activities.

Check out the guide.

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