Tag Archives: coffee

10 things that make incontinence worse

Incontinence can happen to anyone young or old, and occurs in both men and women (although women seem to be affected by it more commonly). The condition is more bothersome and embarrassing than life-threatening, however the fact that it occurs–and far more frequently in the aged–has made it a concern for many, if only to help alleviate its causes. CNN and Health.com have put together a list of ten things we consume that can worsen incontinence, and avoiding or limiting these substances should help keep the condition from further aggravation.

We’ve listed the ten things you should watch out for below along with a quick description for why each is on the list:

  1. Fluid intake – overhydrating can make things worse; hydrate in moderation instead
  2. Alcohol – liquor and beer are diuretics, which make you urinate more frequently
  3. Coffee and tea – Caffeine, another diuretic, is the main culprit here
  4. Chocolate – Sad to say, but caffeine is present here as well
  5. Sugar – Some studies suggest that sugar aggravates your bladder
  6. Fizzy drinks – Soda, regular or diet, contain carbonation and caffeine
  7. Spicy food – Some may find spicy food serves as an irritant, so be mindful of how it affects you
  8. Citrus fruits – Another bladder irritant, the acidic nature of this food can make your condition worse
  9. Cranberry juice – The biggest surprise, but the liquid is acidic and therefore can be an irritant
  10. Medication – Some drugs have a diuretic effect; consult the side effects with your doctor

Read the article here.