Tag Archives: leafy greens

What to eat to keep your bones healthy

Osteoporosis, also known as bone loss, is an unfortunate likelihood for those in the throes of aging. Women and men alike are affected by this condition, and the main cause is often improper nutrition or the lack of adequate calcium. Fortunately for those who dislike the idea of downing pills to get their calcium, there are a host of other ways to get the calcium you need from the food you eat.

  • Cheese, milk, plain yogurt, canned salmon and sardines with bones, cooked broccoli, and almonds all have varying amounts of calcium. Take these on their own, or add them to foods you already eat to get a calcium boost.
  • Take Vitamin D; D helps absorb calcium properly into the body.
  • Eat leafy greens like spinach, kale, are arugula are rich in Vitamin K, which can prevent bones from thinning.
  • Reduce salt, caffeine, soft drinks, and alcohol intake. An excess of these foods can lead to calcium excretion and interfere with its absorption.
  • Lose weight sensibly and exercise regularly; the drastically lower caloric intake from crash diets can cause bone loss, and exercise can help maintain bone density as well as strengthen muscles, which can protect you from injury.

Read more details in the whole list from The Globe and Mail here.